sinking in and singing out

Sunday, November 15, 2009

One day we will adopt a puppy.

Friday, I went to my friend Steph's birthday party at Mancini's and ordered a delicious Grasshopper. Mine was made with ice cream, mmm. It was nice to see so many friends and reconnect. I feel like I have fallen off the radar. I hadn't seen so many people in such a long time.

Our friend, Jug, has borrowed us a copy of his book of short stories. He spent it writing it in a cabin...How Minnesotan...I can't wait to get into it. First, I have to finish Under the Banner of Heaven though.

Yesterday, Nils and I did so much walking around Uptown. We went to Mager's and Quinn, and although I had picked up Ann Patchett's Bel Canto and a mass market paperback of Stieg Larsson's A Girl with a Dragon Tatoo, I found willpower before the cash register. Early in the day, I spent a little too much on craft supplies...Nils though, he caved, and bought some Flann O'Brien, the works under Brian O' Nolan's pseudonym, well, one of many. Apparently, it is not known how much writing is out there of O' Nolan, because of his consistent use of fictitious names. I really want to start reading Larsson's trilogy though, at least before the movie comes out.

Nils and I saw An Education at the Uptown Theater. I enjoyed the film, but at times, I felt emptiness. Maybe it was too flighty? The end just came together too well in such a short amount of time. I would have liked to have seen more story in the end rather than the tying up.

Before Uptown, Nils and I made a quick stroll around the Humane Society in Golden Valley. One day, we will be able to adopt a puppy. One day...So many people were adopting animals. It was nice to see so many animals going to new homes.

We ended the night at home, ordering a pizza, and watching an episode of Mad Men.

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